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Re: HTTP as OCP transport, ICAP/2.0

2003-04-22 19:35:50

Alex Rousskov wrote:

        + ICAP uses HTTP as transport; we can make
          OCP look like ICAP/2.0, which may
          significantly improve OCP survival/adoption

Hm, does ICAP really use HTTP as transport, i.e. run on top of HTTP? I'd say ICAP is a protocol that looks very much like HTTP and uses TCP as the transport. Indeed, RFC 3507 states "ICAP uses TCP/IP as a transport protocol. The default port is 1344, but other ports may be used.".

In the early stages of ICAP, it was supposed to run over HTTP, but this was dropped at some later point.

        + HTTP applications are our primary target;
          it would be easier to add OCP support to
          HTTP intermediaries (OPES processors) if
          OCP transport is also HTTP

        + it is likely that many existing web services already
          support HTTP (e.g., as a part of SOAP over HTTP);
          it would be easier to add OCP support to
          such services (OPES callout servers) if
          OCP transport is also HTTP

        + HTTP is fairly well-understood protocol as
          far as basic transport functionality is

An additional pro might be firewall traversal, although this might not be that big of an issue in deployment scenarios OCP will play a role (?).

Here are the reasons to avoid HTTP as OCP transport:

        - HTTP makes it difficult to support a pipeline of OCP
          messages without converting every message into
          a request/response pair; this limits OCP flexibility
          and/or performance

        - ICAP uses HTTP as transport; if we try to make OCP
          to look like ICAP/2.0, we may have to sacrifice
          some (many?) OCP properties and clean design to
          retain some form of backward compatibility; for example,
          OCP metadata should be distinct from HTTP metadata,
          which may be difficult to achieve while
          preserving compatibility with ICAP/1.1.

        - HTTP lacks appropriate connection management
          primitives because persistent connections were
          added on top of an existing protocol (HTTP/1.0)
          and are just a performance optimization; HTTP is
          not really design for long-lived connections many
          OCP agents would enjoy

        - HTTP lacks appropriate native support for security
          and authentication; compared to SOAP and BEEP,
          little reuse of other protocols/mechanisms is
          possible in this context

        - HTTP specification (RFC 2616) is a big, complicated
          document; HTTP comes with many features that OCP
          probably does not need

The kind of "streaming capabilities" of HTTP (i.e. chunking) is kind of limited.

If running over HTTP, would we expect problems with HTTP intermediaries sitting in-between the OPES processor and the callout server (for example if OPES processor and callout server ane in different adminsitrative domains).


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