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Re: Comments on the P Language

2003-10-08 14:38:13

On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Geetha Manjunath wrote:

Please find my comments on the internet draft on P language below.
It also has some suggestions for new constructs for the 'P'

Appreciate the comments!

* Section 2, Syntax: While several operators are listed out along
with their precedence, it may be helpful to support the commonly
used parenthesized expression with an additional rule :  expression
= '(' expression ')'

Mea culpa. Now fixed at

* Section 3.3 Operators: Even I did not like the use of case to
distinguish operator attributes (such as case sensitivity) eg: EqualS,
On the contrary, I think it would be nice to have the operators
themselves case insensitive, so EQUAL = equal = EquaL . Use of equal_i
and equal_s is preferable.

I agree that using case to distinguish operators is a bad idea. I have
a better(?), not yet documented, idea. String should have case
sensitivity attached to them by module methods that produce them.
String constants would default to case-sensitive. This will make it
possible to compare, say, HTTP request method with "GET" or "connect"
constants and always get "correct" result depending on protocol
sensitivity rules.

This is a big problem with string comparison in the current spec --
one have to be very careful to use the right comparison operator. With
sensitive strings (rather than operators), the module authors would
take care of most common cases by returning strings with appropriate

case_sensitive() and case_insensitive() Core methods are provided to
force particular sensitivity mode when needed. Comparing a case
sensitive string with a case insensitive string will result in case
insensitive comparison.

This needs further thought/polishing. Have you seen sensitive strings
anywhere? Do you think this approach will work?

* Section 3.6 Assignments: I like the single assignment approach of
P. However, I feel the need for a few additional statements (or Core
services) to manipulate the scope of a name - for eg: 'kill' a name
in the current scope.

I have rejected scope for the sake of simplicity. I could not find
convincing examples where it would be really needed. With
single-assignment approach, global scope is needed to name expressions
based on external conditions:

        if (condition) {
                name = value1;
        } else {
                name = value2;

Some uses of such a construct would be:
 ** We could essentially acheive a private name space when modules are
imported. This can be done by killing all the private variables from a
module before exiting the module ( if the module is written in P).

If a name is not used outside the module, the optimizer will remove
it. Thus, the above is only helpful to avoid name collision. If this
becomes a true problem, "local" variables should be introduced into
the language. Personally, I doubt many general-purpose modules would
be written as P programs.

 ** This is will also help in reducing name clashes that may result in
use of same names from 2 different modules. The case of
        smtp := import "..";
        http := import "..";
      kill SMTP.message ;
        meth = message.method;

I would prefer to see more explicit Http.message.method in the above

 ** "kill moduleName " could unload a module too.

An optimizer can do that once a module is unused. Again, this seems to
be useful only to avoid name collisions.

 ** Another useful scope manipulation statement would be something like
"inline Http" (or "use Http")  statement that makes references to be
resolved in the context of module Http  (instead of the default
behaviour of resolving in the context of *all* the modules being

Are you talking about the difference between use and require in Perl?
I agree that adding require would be a good solution if many modules
are written in P, but I think to support modules written in P well,
more things like explicit exported or explicit local variables will
need to be added.

* Section 4.1: Interpreter-module interface.
** I think we should at the minimum specify a minumum interface that
must be supported by a module, such as -  isDefined("membername") and so
on - which could typically be provided a default behaviour by the
interpreter (based on the semantics of the import statement).

Not sure what general interface functions we can document. Can you
give more examples?

Is isDefined really needed? If something is not defined, P interpreter
will raise a failure. Is that not sufficient to detect undefined

** There is also a need to specify the characterisitics of the service
being returned by the imported module. (or give a reference to where
this info is available)

I agree that service interface needs to be documented.

 *** What is the interface expected of this service? Is it a proxylet?
Web service?

Whatever interface the service provides and P implementation host

 *** How does it get access to the request/response being manipulated?

Implementation dependent.

 *** What is the semantics of the Services.applyone(service)?  Will it
modify the response/request to be used further on?

This needs to be documented. I think the semantics should be apply
once and then continue interpretation. However, we need to document
whether named expressions may change after service invocation:

        a = message.headers.have("Via"); // suppose there is no Via

        if (not a) {
                Services.apply(service); // adds Via

        if (a) {
               // should this be executed?

My feeling is that the computed (used) value should not change.
Assignment is not a macro.

 *** Will the interpreter employ the call-out protocol at this point? If
so, does it send the response or the request? For example, in the ICAP
case, is it RESPMOD or REQMOD?

It may employ OCP. I think that services need service-specific
configuration parameters that determine mode and what needs to be
supplied (e.g., request, response, or both).

 ** How does one specify the vectoring point (equivalent of 1,2,3,4 in

Application-dependent. HTTP Adaptation draft or other documents may
document this as a part of HttpProxy module description.

* Section 4.2: In my opinion, the case of module being a P program needs
to be further thrashed out. For example: which are the valid members of
a module defined using P. All the names in the program ?

Yes, for now. Import simply loads the program into the namespace.
Again, I agree that if P modules in P become popular, more control
would be needed. The current preference is to start with something
small and simple.

* Finally, with my small exposure of writing an IRML parser that
generates a python rule engine, I feel this language 'P' is very
well suited to be implemented in Python. In fact, if we excuse the
syntactic changes, P can straight away be expressed in Python! and
that's nice.

I am not a big fan of languages that do not catch variable name typos,
but I am glad you think that a Python implementation would be simple.
I agree that it may be possible to write a P-to-Python converter.

Incidently, are there any efforts underway to implement this

Personally, I have not seen any real demand for P (or IRML for that
matter) yet.

Thanks a lot for your feedback. I hope that my "we want to keep it
simpler for now" responses did not discourage you. This is just a
starting point. With sufficient demand and real-world use, we should
be able to polish and enhance the language.

Thank you,


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