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Re: documenting OCP parameters

2003-10-26 15:56:53

  am-parts: extends list am-part;

This looks awkward, does not it? How about:

    am-parts: extends list of am-part;


Should we use capital letters for types (Am-Parts rather than
am-part)? I do in OCP Core (e.g., "Feature" not "feature") but can
change to small letters if you prefer.

In 3.1 everything is lowercase. In section 9 we have uppercase and in
section 10 we have a mixture (bad that section title and text differ).
I think it looks well, if named parameter's names start with a capital
letter but type names are lowercase; then you know that the lowercase things
will be replaced by else while the capital words stay.

In order to define which tokens are defined as the am-part atoms, may I
still write:
  am-part = "request-header"
          / "request-body"
          / "request-trailer"
          / "response-header"
          / "response-body"
          / "response-trailer"
in addition to the above?

I would render the above as a list in the text:

<t>This specification documents the following am-part

<list style="hanging">
            <t hangText="request-header:">HTTP request headers
    including ... as defined in ...</t>


ok. Thanks.

Or you can use a table (see texttable in P draft).

It is a semantic requirement, and the type can support extensions (or
not, depending on how you document it).

And what is codings now? Is it actually a list of tokens, as we used
it so far or a list of quoted-values? Or is it just a list of atoms
and implementations decide whether bare-values work here?

A list of atoms. Or a list of "coding", where coding extends atom with
some semantic properties.

I will then use:

  content-coding: extends atom;
  content-codings: extends list of content-coding;

  The semantics of content-coding is defined in section 3.5 of <xref
target="RFC2616" />

Thank you

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