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Re: Finding and retrieving applicable Attribute Certificate(s)

1998-05-11 09:56:38
From: Denis Pinkas <Denis(_dot_)Pinkas(_at_)bull(_dot_)net>

Up to now, everyone is refering a definition of AC. Can some one post or
give a URL where the (single) definition of an AC can be found. If it is
short enough, posting the whole ASN 1 definition directly to the list
would be fine. I would like to check how the pointer to the user
certificate is defined.

Quite close to home for you :-):

which contains:

AttributeCertificate ::= SIGNED {AttributeCertificateInfo}

AttributeCertificateInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    version             Version DEFAULT v1,
    subject CHOICE {
        baseCertificateID [0] IssuerSerial, -- associated with a Public Key Cert
        subjectName       [1] GeneralNames },  -- associated with a name 
    issuer              GeneralNames,    -- CA issuing the attribute cert
    signature           AlgorithmIdentifier,
    serialNumber        CertificateSerialNumber,
    attrCertValidityPeriod  AttCertValidityPeriod,
    attributes          SEQUENCE OF Attribute,
    issuerUniqueID      UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
    extensions          Extensions OPTIONAL }

IssuerSerial ::= SEQUENCE {
    issuer          GeneralNames,
    serial          CertificateSerialNumber,
    issuerUID       UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL}

AttCertValidityPeriod ::= SEQUENCE {
    notBeforeTime   GeneralizedTime,
    notAfterTime    Generalized Time }