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Re: X942-03 Comments

1998-11-17 12:22:17
"Hollenbeck, Scott" <shollenb(_at_)netsol(_dot_)com> writes:
Just dropping in with a few mechanical comments:

The title page header still refers to revision #2.

In the Abstract, "Diffie-Hellam" should be "Diffie-Hellman".

Section 1.2: RFC 2119 is referenced but it doesn't appear in
the list of referenced documents.

Section 2.1.1, last paragraph: "In CMS" should be "In [CMS]".

It's good to see all of this work progressing along nicely!
Thanks. I've made the editorial changes. 


[Eric Rescorla                                   ekr(_at_)rtfm(_dot_)com]

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