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Re: S-MIME key length

1999-10-27 16:18:12
And your signed message causes GroupWise to say, effectively, that 
"dennis(_dot_)glatting(_at_)plaintalk(_dot_)bellevue(_dot_)wa(_dot_)us" is not 
the same person 
as the "dennis(_dot_)glatting(_at_)software-munitions(_dot_)com" that was 
issued a VeriSign

But did Communicator complain because you don't haven't added the 
Novell root certificate to your cache of trusted roots, or because your 
incoming mail processor modified the contents somehow, or was 
there some other kind of problem?

And BTW, Has anyone notied the irony of having these kinds of problem 
on this list? Maybe we should all start eating our own dog food, and 
actually use the stuff we're building, on this list in particular?

This is signed with a 1024 bit key, using the same root certificate, which 
however uses a 2048 bit key.


Dennis Glatting 
10/27/99 03:34PM >>>
BJUENEMAN(_at_)novell(_dot_)com wrote:

This message is signed with a 2048 bit key.  So far, I haven't encountered 
who hasn't been able to validate the signature with that length key.  
could conceivably be a different issue, depending on whether or not a 
is constrained by export and/or import policy.

Funny you should mention that. When I clicked to read your message my
Netscape 4.61 Communicator displays an icon stating "Invalid

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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