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Comparing rfc822 addresses to certificates

1999-11-04 11:37:46
BJUENEMAN(_at_)novell(_dot_)com writes:

Contrary to how most public CAs do it, at least so far, the e-mail address is
included in the subjectAltName as per the PKIX RFC, and to our pleasant
surprise all of the e-mail packages we have encountered to date have been 
able to handle that format correctly.

Although we could have, we chose not to include an e-mail address of the form
subjectAltName="Robert R. Jueneman" <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com> , in 
part because
most e-mail packages would just as easily accept "President William Jefferson
Clinton" <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com>. 

D'you mean they'll accept that as an rfc822Name?  Are they supposed to do that?


Let me clarify that.  I haven't tested that exhaustively across multiple 
packages, but I believe that e-mail packages generally ignore the "junk" 
prior to the rfc822 mailbox name itself, both on message origin and 
message receipt.

Many packages I am familiar with allow you to specify your own From address 
one way or the other, even though you may not be able to change the 
portion of the address within the angle brackets.

They may or may not reflect that name in the From address that is 
presented in the message window or header line, but I believe that most do.  

Certainly it appears that you can put anything you wish in front of the
address, and the message will be both sent and received successfully.

That being the case, I doubt that many would complain about a 
mismatched rfc822 address in the certificate in that case, but I don't
know that for a fact.

Now, SHOULD they?  Honestly, I'm not sure.

Browsing through rfc822, I find the following snippets of definitions:

  4.4.1.  FROM / RESENT-FROM

        This field contains the identity of the person(s)  who  wished
        this  message to be sent.  The message-creation process should
        default this field  to  be  a  single,  authenticated  machine
        address,  indicating  the  AGENT  (person,  system or process)
        entering the message.  If this is not done, the "Sender" field
        MUST  be  present.  If the "From" field IS defaulted this way,
        the "Sender" field is  optional  and  is  redundant  with  the
        "From"  field.   In  all  cases, addresses in the "From" field
        must be machine-usable (addr-specs) and may not contain  named
        lists (groups).

6.1.  SYNTAX

     address     =  mailbox                      ; one addressee
                 /  group                        ; named list

     group       =  phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"

     mailbox     =  addr-spec                    ; simple address
                 /  phrase route-addr            ; name & addr-spec

     route-addr  =  "<" [route] addr-spec ">"

     route       =  1#("@" domain) ":"           ; path-relative

     addr-spec   =  local-part "@" domain        ; global address

     local-part  =  word *("." word)             ; uninterpreted
                                                 ; case-preserved

     domain      =  sub-domain *("." sub-domain)

     sub-domain  =  domain-ref / domain-literal

     domain-ref  =  atom                         ; symbolic reference

phrase      =  1*word                       ; Sequence of words

     word        =  atom / quoted-string

Parentheses ("(" and ")") are used  to  indicate  comments.

So ignoring the optional route indicator, which I haven't seen used 
for at least five years, and excluding groups as required by the 
semantics of From, we have as an allowable From address:

address = mailbox  

mailbox = addr-spec /
                 phrase route-addr

route-addr = <addr-spec>

Unfortunately, the semantics of "phrase" or "word" don't seem 
to be defined, but the implication seems to be that they are the name of 
the originator in the case of a From or Sender field, and the name or
name of the desired recipient(s) in the case of a To or Cc field. This of 
course gets even more complicated in the case of a shared mailbox,
as might be the case for a family.

Since the form of the "name" isn't defined, I have to assume that 
"phrase" is essentially syntactic sugar, to be interpreted by the 
human user.

So I conclude that the following are all legitimate rfc822 From addresses:


Steve Kent(_at_)bbn(_dot_)com 

Stephen Kent(_at_)bbn(_dot_)com 


Bob Jueneman <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com>

"Robert R. Jueneman" <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com> 

Robert "R." (Bob) Jueneman (the one who is not the 
horse thief) <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com> 

However, as a message from Tom Gindin points out (and 
I'll take his word for it without checking the text of RFC 
2459 section, PKIX defines an rfc822 attribute 
within GeneralName as an addr-spec, NOT an "address".

The S/MIME spec also states that the end-entity certificates 
MUST contain an Internet mail address, and that the 
address must be an "addr-spec" as defined in Section 6.1.

X.509, however, is ambiguous, and needs to be corrected.

So that seems clear, now.  The above constructs would NOT be
legal as an rfc822 type DN or subjectAltName, although I strongly
suspect that many CAs and CA toolkits would accept them and
create certificates containing them.

Unfortunately, this leaves us with the case where the e-mail
package, if it performs correctly, will accept a message with
a From address of 

From: "President William Jefferson Clinton                         " 
(note the extra spaces, intended to cause truncation of the 
name -- it's really slick Bob in disguise) <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com> 

and then it will compare just the <bjueneman(_at_)novell(_dot_)com> to the 
subjectAltName in my certificate and conclude that all is well,
since the addr-spec in the From matches the content of the attribute
in the certificate.

Worse yet, since some mail programs don't bother to display
the "real" addr-spec, but only the name portion, and most will
truncate even the name if it's too long, the recipient may not see 
that anything is amiss at all.

The S/MIME v2 Certificate Handling spec  (3.1, last paragraph) 
states that "... Receiving agents MUST check that the address (sic) 
in the From header of a mail message matches an Internet mail 
address in the signer's certificate. ..."

That's somewhat ambiguous, since the "address" portion of a From 
address is clearly the more general mailbox name.  But clarifying 
the S/MIME spec by requiring that the addr-spec portion of the 
From address match the addr-spec in the certificate would 
merely highlight the problem, not solve it.

So we clearly have a problem where the relying party may be 
accidentally or even deliberately mislead, unless he is particularly 
careful to compare the full From address (which may only be 
available by looking at the mime.822 view of the message) against 
the certificate content.

What should we do?  I'm not quite sure, but I'm concerned.


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