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Draft minutes from the Seoul meeting

2004-03-08 10:40:37

Greetings again. Here are my version of the minutes from last weeks meeting. Please let me know this week if you have any changes.

--Paul Hoffman

S/MIME Minutes
March 2, 2004
Seoul, Korea

The meeting was chaired by Sean Turner; Blake Ramsdell was jacked in
from Seattle via Jabber and iChat.

The short agenda was agreed to.

Sean updated the status since the last IETF meeting.

        New RFC (3657, Camellia)
        Three drafts that are with the RFC editor
                (symkeydist, x400wrap, and x400transport)
        Two drafts in WG last call (rfc2632bis and rfc2633bis)
        The draft that will go into WG last call when its editor
                finally finishes it (examples).
        Three drafts are currently active in the WG:

Sean talked about the milestones and how well we are doing on them.
We have a few short-term milestones and a much longer list of
long-term ones.

Sean gave Blake's presentation on MSGbis and CERTbis status
        Give the list of changes from last versions
        Received a bunch of editorial comments for both documents
        Russ said that other groups are using these docs, so please take
                a careful look at them.

Sean gave a presentation on GOST status
        Added a new draft with the algorithms needed for implementing GOST
        Move the default parameters to different doc
        Added message examples
        Seeking more input, particularly from implementers

Jongwook Park gave SEED updates
        Two drafts are already out there
        The algorithm is mandatory in Korea for government devices
        Approved by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27
        Looking for comments and implementations

We finished in about 17 minutes.

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