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my buggy SMIME implementation

2007-04-17 10:12:33
I realize this list is for the purpose of discussing the SMIME specification and that my implementation question is not pertinent. Nevertheless, I hope some kind soul will have the means to assist me in figuring out where my implementation is failing. I could think of no other place to go ask this question.

I have written an SMIME client in Squeak, a programming environment. I got the CMS put together and I can read signed and encrypted messages sent by my Mac Email client. When I generate signed and encrypted emails, however, the Mac Email client cannot read them. I am using the same Certificate and PrivateKey in both email programs, so I know that the actual encryption should work, since the Mac email decrypts on both the Mac email client and the Squeak client. Furthermore, the Mac Email client only tells me that it failed to decrypt or failed to verify signature, but no other details. Is there an SMIME Client that runs on the Mac, which could tell me exactly where my encrypted msg is bogus?

I have attached a sample encrypted email from both the Mac and Squeak. Without the certs and the privateKey, could someone look at the CMS structure and tell me why my Squeak email is failing to decrypt?

Many thanks,

Attachment: MacEncryptedEmail.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: SqueakEncryptedEmail.txt
Description: Text document

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