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Re: RFC 3274 - Compressed Data Content Type for Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)

2009-02-12 09:19:57
Peter Gutmann wrote:

One strong driving force for this was people doing secure messaging (EDI and
the like), so you're more likely to find it being used at that level rather
than with MTAs.

True, but as DoD policy shifts toward "Thou shalt encrypt email with the following types of information contained therein," we keep hearing complaints about increased bandwidth consumption.

To which my best answer is "Thou shalt not use email as a file transfer protocol," but obviously that's not gaining any traction. :)

Automated compress-before-encrypt in a couple of common MUAs would at least make salving the worried planners easier.

-- Tim

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature