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Re: 2821 source-routes, strict or loose?

2002-04-24 08:34:53
On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:05:29 CDT, "Eric A. Hall" <ehall(_at_)ehsco(_dot_)com>  

A better question here would be "what is the implementation norm?" Do most
implementations treat source routes as strict, rejecting mail if a direct
connection cannot be established, or do they process the next-hop of the
source-route address through the routing table?

Sendmail 8.10.0 (released 03/01/2000) and later:
       CONFIG: Route addresses are stripped, i.e., <@a,@b,@c:user(_at_)d> is
                converted to <user(_at_)d>  

So "drop them puppies on the floor" seems to be the behavior there (unless
you hand-specify the undocumented _USE_DEPRECATED_ROUTE_ADDR_ option when
building the config file)....
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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