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RE: A few ipv6 questions

2010-12-17 22:17:06

--On Friday, December 17, 2010 18:42 -0500 John R Levine
<johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com> wrote:

For simplicity one might try them in the order returned by
the resolver, for example: Walk through the answer section
and, if A, use AF_INET; if AAAA, use AF_INET6.

An MX lookup just returns the name of the MX.  There might be
A and AAAA records in the additional section, but there also
might not, and as I understand it, the order of records in a
section of a DNS response has always been considered to be
arbitrary.  So I agree, these tea leaves aren't worth reading.

And that, of course, is exactly why the relevant section of 5321
carefully avoids saying anything specific or normative about
order of attempts.


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