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Re: mailing list footer addition to MIME email

2011-01-14 14:43:23

Hi Dave,
At 11:31 14-01-11, Dave CROCKER wrote:
A list member sends a message that contains a MIME body. (If it makes a difference between a simple, since body that is MIME encoded, versus one that has "attachments", then clarifying that is part of the exercise.)

The mail list adds a typical footer to the message and sends it out.

How does the footer related to the received MIME? Is a new MIME body created? Is the footer added as a separate MIME attachment? Is the footer somehow distinguishable from the original MIME content?

When the original message is posted as text/plain, the footer is appended as text at the end of the message. If the original message is posted as text/html, The footer is inserted near the end of the message inside the appropriate HTML tags.

If the original message is multipart/alternative, it can sometimes be reformatted as multipart/mixed and a new MIME part is appended for the footer. The footer is not distinguishable from the original MIME content unless we resort to heuristics.
