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Re: [ietf-smtp] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-crocker-email-deliveredto-05.txt

2021-08-13 14:23:21
On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 08:09:06PM +0200, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

Also MUAs can take advantage of any mailbox values found there, as a
sponger.  For example, Thunderbird has a configuration item named
catchAllHeaders which can be set to a list such as "envelope-to,
x-original-to, to, cc, delivered-to".

The "Delivered-To" header is NOT for MUA consumption.  Any MUA using
"Delivered-To" for anything other than display to the user as diagnostic
information is violating the contract, and deserves whatever
misbehaviour ensues when it seems something new and/or unexpected.


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