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Re: Introduction of media types for XML DTDs

1999-07-18 19:31:23
Ned Freed wrote:
I agree. And I'm sorry, but the argument that "people expect DTDs to be
displayed as text" just doesn't wash -- technical experts (who are capable
of configuring their agents to do anything they want) may expect this, but
the average user doesn't know diddly about XML or DTD and doesn't want a 
bunch of incomprehensible stuff displayed on his or her screen.

Ned, since you co-authored MIME RFCs, could you please give us an explicit  
criteria of text subtypes?   You appear to claim that text subtypes 
have to be readable by casual users.  However, text/css, text/rfc822-headers,
text/vnd.in3d.3dml, text/rtf are already registered.  I do not think 
that they are quite readable by casual users.  On the other hand, Postscript 
programs are application/postscript rather than text/postscript.  Is text/css 
a mistake?  Should XSL become application/xsl-xml rather than text/xsl-xml?



RFC 2046: defitition of the top-level media type "text"

4.1.  Text Media Type

   The "text" media type is intended for sending material which is
   principally textual in form.  A "charset" parameter may be used to
   indicate the character set of the body text for "text" subtypes,
   notably including the subtype "text/plain", which is a generic
   subtype for plain text.  Plain text does not provide for or allow
   formatting commands, font attribute specifications, processing
   instructions, interpretation directives, or content markup.  Plain
   text is seen simply as a linear sequence of characters, possibly
   interrupted by line breaks or page breaks.  Plain text may allow the
   stacking of several characters in the same position in the text.
   Plain text in scripts like Arabic and Hebrew may also include
   facilitites that allow the arbitrary mixing of text segments with
   opposite writing directions.

   Beyond plain text, there are many formats for representing what might
   be known as "rich text".  An interesting characteristic of many such
   representations is that they are to some extent readable even without
   the software that interprets them.  It is useful, then, to
   distinguish them, at the highest level, from such unreadable data as
   images, audio, or text represented in an unreadable form. In the
   absence of appropriate interpretation software, it is reasonable to
   show subtypes of "text" to the user, while it is not reasonable to do
   so with most nontextual data. Such formatted textual data should be
   represented using subtypes of "text".

Here is the list of currently registered subtypes of text.

text            plain                            [RFC1521,Borenstein]
                richtext                         [RFC1521,Borenstein]
                enriched                                    [RFC1896]
                tab-separated-values                   [Paul Lindner]
                html                                        [RFC1866]
                sgml                                        [RFC1874]
                vnd.latex-z                                   [Lubos]
                vnd.fmi.flexstor                             [Hurtta]
              uri-list                                     [Daniel]
              rfc822-headers                              [RFC1892]
              vnd.in3d.3dml                                [Powers]
              prs.lines.tag                                 [Lines]
                css                                         [RFC2318]
                xml                                         [RFC2376]
              rtf                                         [Lindner]
                directory                                   [RFC2425]
                calendar                                    [RFC2445]
              vnd.wap.wml                                   [Stark]
              vnd.wap.wmlscript                             [Stark]
              vnd.motorola.reflex                          [Patton]