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Re: Meida types and stylesheet linking

2000-03-22 06:43:08

MURATA Makoto wrote:

The XML Core WG of W3C recently announced an erratum for "Associating
Style Sheets with XML documents Version 1.0".
        Description: The pseudo-attribute "type" declared with type
        CDATA #REQUIRED is mandatory.

        Correction: The declaration is changed to: type CDATA #IMPLIED
        so that it is optional.

        Rationale: This pseudo-attribute is adopted from HTML 4.0, where
        it is optional.

Suppose that a stylesheet-linking PI uses a fragment identifier
(e.g., XPointer) so as to reference to an embedded stylesheet.  We
are no longer forced to specify some media type.

But not prevented from doing so either. The media type is beingusxed as a
label. But it is not being used as a value for the Content-Type mail or
HTTP header, so is not assertingthatthe entire resource is of this type.


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