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RE: text/xhtml+xml vs. application/xhtml+xml

2000-11-01 11:22:24
This continued argument about the exact nature of past
mistakes is going nowhere fast, so I'm not going to
bother to respond further to it.

Fine. One question though...


  1) choices for types
  2) clear guidelines on their use.

do *you* have faith that developers
will do what is right?

I think the above is necessary but not sufficient. Past experience has shown
that no matter how clear you make the guidelines, people will misinterpret them
or not read them at all.

What does work is to add a registration process that people actively want to
use and sound review and feedback as part of that process. In hindsight, not
having this initally in MIME was what led to most past problems with media

But we have such a process in place now, and it appears to be working. And I see
no reason to presume it won't continue to work.
