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Re: Eliminating Virus Spam

2001-01-05 00:00:03
On Thu, 04 Jan 2001 09:40:41 MST, Vernon Schryver 
<vjs(_at_)calcite(_dot_)rhyolite(_dot_)com>  said:
It would be more of a 21st century something to have the IETF join
Microsoft in equating authentication (e.g. signing) with authorization
(e.g. who gets to run programs on your computers).  However, "solution"
is not the best word for what it would be.

Authentication: "Yes, your driver's license, fingerprint, retina, and
voice scans all agree you are the *real* Jeffrey Dahmer."

Authorization: "Would you like to borrow a steak knife, Mr Dahmer?"

Amazingly enough, we tolerate that same exact logical disconnect from
a major vendor of system software.  Unfortunately, between the even-worse
than current shrink-wrap licensing included in UCITA, and the incoming
presidential administration, it may take a really creative lawyer making
a case of it being a "crime against humanity" and trying the case at
The Hague to fix it... ;(

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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