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Re: rfc publication suggestions

2001-03-15 01:40:02
Rosen, Brian wrote:

Of course a big problem is the decreasing number of
IETF people who know nroff, and even fewer that are fluent,
and even fewer who would, if they had a choice, choose it

Vernon Schryver wrote:

No rocket science (but maybe some patience) is required to write nroff.
Thanks to groff, typesetting nroff has become free.

No rocket science, but perhaps archaeology.
In the early 1980s, a unix box (68ks, vaxen, came
with a multi-volume manuals, including an nroff guide.
In this millennium, not all distros have nroff guides.

Who is still using this dino technology anyway?


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Blowfish, n (coup d'poisson) --- a secure blow job -----

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