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Re: Any value in this list ?

2001-08-01 09:10:03

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Jamal writes:
BoDs at airports and ATM machines when you try
to get some cash at 3am?

I've never seen one,

Maybe this will help (and yes ive seen a few, i wish i had a camera)
Those going to the IETF: Heathrow airport tends to be a good place to
find these things.

 but the mere fact that they are using Windows should tell
you something.  Traditionally, OS/2 has ruled in ATMs, but last I read of 
Windows NT Workstation was making inroads into this market.  I don't recall 
UNIX presence at all, but I may be wrong.

I see the statement you make as a naive assertion as to whether success is
defined by quality rather than monopolistic or marketing reasons.
Predominance in the case of MS is a result of marketing and monopolistic
tendencies, nothing  whatsoever to do with quality. That should be clear,
i hope. Ask the DoJ.
Predominance of MVS is purely to monopolistic tendencies.

I dont think i need to give you any "hard proofs" (to use your term) that
over the last few years, the most disastrous internet viruses are a
a result bad quality design at MS.
It's a shame we dont have standard bodies to ensure quality assurance
on what OSes should be allowed to be on the internet.
Come to think of it, we have moral obligation to ensure that bad OSes
should not be on the internet (maybe i am being too extreme, but i feel
it is unethical for continous harassment from one Os)

You'll need to come up with something more than anecdotes.  Something that can
withstand analysis by an unemotional observer with no ax to grind.

I hear you -- didnt get that job therefore didnt get rich and
therefore have an axe to grind. It's definetly a new conspiracy theory.


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