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Re: Why is IPv6 a must?

2001-11-12 14:10:02
    > From: "Perry E. Metzger" <perry(_at_)wasabisystems(_dot_)com>

    >> ??? I said nothing about Mobile IPv6 being a solution to the routing
    >> problem.

    > We were talking about the routing problem. If you just brought it up to
    > be clever (which I assume you did), you didn't further the discussion.

I was merely responding to your (incorrect) initial assertion that:

  People frequently propose "endpoint identifiers" and "routing identifiers"
  be separated but no one has ever come up with a worked proposal that was
  less flawed than the current mechanism.

I have no interest in discussing the "routing problem". Been there, done that.

(Also, the business of separating identity in location is really not related
to routing. It happens to be a good thing to do on basic grounds, but it does
also make some routing-related things easier. E.g. it can help with
renumbering and dynamic multi-homing; in certain transition schemes for
deployment of new routing architectures it makes the deployment of new
namespaces for location easier; etc, etc.)

    > My own feeling is that we're just going to have to accept the notion of
    > our routers having millions of routes in them and go for algorithms
    > that scale better than distance vector or path vector

There are no such algorithms, and it's highly unlikely there will ever be a
routing algorithm for flat addresses that scales as O(logN), or anything like
that. The only solution to scaling routing overhead is to use


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