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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-etal-ietf-analysis-00.txt

2002-03-28 13:40:03
"John Stracke" <jstracke(_at_)incentivesystems(_dot_)com> writes:

And the authors do caution that their numbers are blind to the quality of 
the RFCs.  Their point, though, is that looking at the easy metrics is 
better than not measuring anything at all; it gives a first-order 

I disagree.

Some metrics (lines of code written per day, number of bugs found per
person, etc) are *actively* harmful to gather & report.

Counting RFCs looks like it's bad the same way that pure LOC counts
are bad.

Saying "we must measure *something*" is the Politician's Fallacy ("we
must do something, this is something, therefore we must do this.")

Mark Atwood   | Well done is better than well said.
mra(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com |