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Re: Pursuing question of mime types in W3C specifications and nextactions

2002-07-08 06:41:40
On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 15:32, Mark Baker wrote:

On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 03:39:50PM -0400, Ian B. Jacobs wrote:

I've asked around about whether this document represents an agreement
between the relevant parties,

It was prepared at the request of some relevant IETF/W3C
folks, and after discussion among those folks, but it hasn't
been endorsed by anybody but Joseph (and you) in its present form.

I think I like it... hmm... Joseph, I don't see anything
explicit about "IANA considerations" in the internet draft;
did you leave that out on purpose?

but so far all I've heard second hand is
"I think so".

Can anybody confirm, for the public record, that this is the Way?

Not yet.

(FWIW, I'm very happy with it - it's simpler than even I was hoping for)

Good to know.

Dan Connolly, W3C