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RE: IETF announce list and spam filtering

2002-08-15 00:43:43
At 12:08 AM 8/15/2002 -0700, Dan Kohn wrote:
In defense of admins setting up SpamAssassin across a site, all
SpamAssassin does is add a bunch of headers to the mail.  It's then up
to the users to decide what threshold to filter on, if at all.

The nature of doing heuristic rulesets on naturally occurring text makes it extremely difficult to do a good job. My own view is that spamassassin is remarkably effective.

At any rate, getting rulesets right is simply not a reasonable task for admins. Rule-writing is not admin. Very different skillsets.

The only criticism of the code is that it understands a restricted set of of RFC822 address format. It ain't the first to do that. Many user agents do, too.


Dave Crocker <mailto:dave(_at_)tribalwise(_dot_)com>
TribalWise, Inc. <>
tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850

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