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Re: Spam

2002-08-19 20:36:49
On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 22:51:18 EDT, Bill Cunningham 
<billcu(_at_)citynet(_dot_)net>  said:
I still think a protocol implementation may be the answer. Maybe in smtp. If
someone chooses for no spam maybe a single bit in the packet could render
mail servers to not add the e-mail address to a spam list.

Yeah.  It could.  That's assuming that spammers were running servers that would
check that bit.

This is a non-starter for the same reasons an "adult" bit for IPv6 addresses is
a non-starter (hint - what if I don't want pr0n or investments in fraudulent
fund transfers in Nigeria, or personal field engineering changes on my anatomy,
but I don't mind mail about new software for my operating system?)

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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  • Spam, Bill Cunningham
    • Re: Spam, James Seng
    • Re: Spam, Valdis . Kletnieks <=