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Re: Palladium (TCP/MS)

2002-11-01 08:30:41
On Fri, 01 Nov 2002 09:10:59 EST, John Stracke 
<jstracke(_at_)centivinc(_dot_)com>  said:
Sean Jones wrote:
I understand where I went wrong. But I doubt that any commercial enterprise 
would want to block access to MS servers in RL.
Well, it'd be a good way to inhibit people from sneaking Windows into 
the company.

And in addition, not all the net is a "commercial enterprise".  There's a very
large worldwide presence in the gov/edu/org arenas - and a *LOT* of those
organizations have political, philosophical, or other reasons for blocking
Microsoft.  I'm sure there's privately held companies that can afford to have
similar views - and I'm waiting for a shareholder suit against the board of a
publicly held company for decreasing profits by continuing to permit the use a
certain MUA even though it's one of the leading causes of virus and worm

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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