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Re: IAB policy on anti-spam mechanisms?

2003-03-12 08:15:40
I see your point.  But I suspect it illustrates a significant 
limitation of the SSL/TLS protocol - in that SSL/TLS seems to assume 
that an IP address and port number are used by only one named service.  
It's been awhile since I looked at the TLS protocol but I don't recall 
any way for the client to say "prove to me that you are authorized to 
provide the SMTP service associated with DNS name".   or did I 
just forget that feature?

There's no reason a protocol can't be spec'd to let the client convey
the name of the resource before the TLS handshake begins.  (In some
cases, you might want to repeat that information after the stream is
protected.)  The problem is that popular existing protocols don't do
that.  Look at the contortions you have to choose among to support
HTTPS "virtual hosting".