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Re: Thinking differently about the site local problem (was: RE: site local addresses (was Re: Fw: Welcome to the InterNAT...))

2003-03-31 14:00:07
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:17:44 PST, Eliot Lear said:
Right up till the point where two companies start communicating with one 
another directly with site-locals.  Even if there is a router frob to 
keep the scopes scoped, you can bet it won't be used until someone 
realizes that the above problem occurred.

Well.. the same thing is true for 2 companies that get merged and both have
their 10/8 and 192.168/16 nets - then the router frobs get used.  I've heard
of one poor network engineer that had *5* 1:1 NATs separating one end of the
company from the other.

And of course, we all know that all RFC1918 users are conscientious about
filtering at their border routers.

"It's deja vu all over again" -- Yogi Berra

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