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Re: Thinking differently about the site local problem (was: RE: site local addresses (was Re: Fw: Welcome to the InterNAT...))

2003-03-31 14:02:06

--On Monday, March 31, 2003 12:17:44 -0800 Eliot Lear 

Since the address block is ambiguous, routing will assure that if you
reach a node it is the correct one. This FUD needs to stop!

Right up till the point where two companies start communicating with one
another directly with site-locals.  Even if there is a router frob to
keep the scopes scoped, you can bet it won't be used until someone
realizes that the above problem occurred.

In every network (well, larger than a single subnet behind a firewall, that
is) I've seen, where there were RFC1918 addresses routed on the inside,
these things happened, although in v4-land. 

It is madness. It must stop. With v6, we can make it stop. So, SL must go
away, for it is an invitation to madness. 

All things SL is claimed to solve are solveable with unique addresses too,
as long as you've got enough of them. The rest is just simple (perhaps
tedious) work that every operations-aware person I know of would prefer to

Måns Nilsson

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