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Re: Proposed statement quotes wrong numbers

2003-10-29 11:04:55
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 08:11:47 PST, bill said:

I don't think you could define a unique e-mail in any sense of the word
- and even then, know the quality of the technical opinion behind that
e-mail address.


We have kooks with one email address, we have kooks with lots of e-mail
addresses, we have very clued people with one address, and we have very clued
people with multiple addresses.

I'm pretty sure I'm one of the four, but not sure which.  I'm not sure how many
e-mail addresses I have, and I'm not even sure what metric to use for "number
of addresses" - due to some purely internal wonkyness in the way we do
business, the number of legitimate e-mail addresses that will result in mail
being dropped in my inbox is somewhere between two and three orders of
magnitude higher than the number of addresses I'm wont to emit from (at one
time it was almost 4 orders of magnitude, but I'm much better now, thank you).

As is standard IETF culture, you get to decide on the kook/clue yourself. ;)

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