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Re: fun with base stations...

2003-11-10 09:14:35
On Mon, 10 Nov 2003, Tim Chown wrote:

On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 05:25:17PM -0500, Perry E.Metzger wrote:

Right now, I'm hearing (from where I'm sitting) eight different 802.11b
base stations on channel 6. Is this the intended configuration?

I recall this wasn't unusual in Vienna (well, maybe not eight :) and the
wireless provision there was very good and stable from my experience.

It would be nice for whoever lays on such provision for the IETF to document
their approach.   I enquired about this on this list after Vienna, but
got no reply.    This would be helpful for other people organising events
where a few hundred wireless users may be expected.

my experiences with deploying wireless for ietf and nanog meetings was 
presented here:

Joel Jaeggli           Unix Consulting         
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