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No change needed? #735 "rights in data"

2004-12-22 04:55:58
Margaret said (quoting the draft):

The IAD is responsible for ensuring that all contracts give the IASA
and the IETF all rights in data needed to satisfy the principle of
data access.

This sentence seems painfully twisted... Is "rights in data" a
legal term that means something other than data access rights? If
so, what does it mean exactly?

The "principle" referred to says (after advice from Jorge):

   6.  The IETF, through the IASA, shall have a perpetual right to use,
       display, distribute, reproduce, modify and create derivatives of
       all data created in support of IETF activities.

That's more than data access righs.
I can't think of a way to untwist the sentence more while making it say the same thing - suggest that we don't make any change.

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