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Re: MP3 audio streaming for IETF 62

2005-03-06 15:41:55
On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 01:07:09PM -0800, Stephen Casner wrote:
On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Joel Jaeggli wrote:

IETF 62 inagurates a new streaming effort. Instead of covering only two
rooms it is our intention to cover all eight. Instead of multicast video
delivery, unicast audio-only. It is our hope that this new effort will
provide more useful timely and accessible access to the proceedings of the
IETF as they happen.

So IETF multicast survived for exactly 13 years, beginning March 1992
in San Diego and succeeded in March 2005.  It is too bad that
inter-domain IP multicast didn't get off the runway, but at least it
lives on within enterprises and academia.

Can we not multicast the audio using other tools?   There are a number of
perfectly good ones in use, for IPv6 too, e.g. for our university radio
station we use:

and we use similar tools to (with permission) retransmit Virgin Radio: (MP3) (Ogg Vorbis)

Similar tools could be used to make the IETF audio available, maybe for
the Paris IETF?  (Especially since Renater are very active with IPv6 Multicast
as coordinators of


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