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Re: PR action against anyone [Re: Anyone not in favor of a PR-Action against Jefsey Morfin]

2005-10-07 05:59:15
    > From: Brian E Carpenter <brc(_at_)zurich(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com>

    > To put it bluntly, you and some others have changed the topic to: we
    > don't like RFC 3683.

I must admit a certain amount of bemusement at the current debate, since the
IETF list has, historically (although not in the last couple of years, IIRC)
lifted for long periods of time the posting rights of certain problematic
posters, and the sky didn't fall.

I (and I suspect others) view the current free-speech-at-any-cost idea as
just one more sign of the decay of the IETF as a body which actually does
useful stuff.


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