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REOPENENED Call for Nominations, NomCom05

2005-12-17 04:46:30
NomCom05 has decided to reopen the call for nominations for the IESG
Operations and Management (OAM) Area Director position.  While we have a
list of well-qualified candidates, to ensure we have exercised due
diligence in the selection of the OAM Area Director we will accept
additional nominations until 5PM EST on December 23, 2005.  Information
about the requirements for the OAM Area Director position are attached
to this call for nominations..

Note that self-nominations are accepted and encouraged!

Please send nominations, including the nominee's name, contact
information and nominated position to nomcom05(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org(_dot_)

- Ralph Droms
  Chair, NomCom05

Attachment: IESG-OAM-requirements.txt
Description: Text document

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