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Re: Enough RE: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02)

2005-12-19 13:28:04
If we standardize a technology, we are saying that technology 
solves some problem. and that its usage has well understood 
and accepted consequences.

Ergo since Microsoft and many others have already said they are going to
be using PRA type techniques it follows that they had better be
described so that the expectations of the legitimate senders are met.

No, it doesn't follow.  IETF's job is not to ensure that arbitrary
expectations of email senders (or of domains claiming to represent
those senders) are met.

The point I am making here is that nothing that the IETF can do will
create a situation where the sender of an email will be able to ensure
that recipients do not filter the email using a particular technology.

True.  Recipients (or parties claiming to act on their behalf, with or
without informed consent of the actual recipients) are already
filtering mail using a variety of (usually ill-chosen) technologies. 

However that doesn't mean that IETF should necessarily endorse, or even
document, any of these technologies.    Sometimes it's a disservice to
the community to document a bad idea.

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