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RE: Improving Security with Encryption

2006-11-10 10:15:42
Fred Baker wrote:
What I would suggest is that people encrypt confidential
information on their laptops, and perhaps the entire laptop.

King, Kimberly S. wrote:
I strongly agree and my entire laptop is encrypted.

Guys, Jordi was talking about the US government wanting to know what's
in your laptop. If the intel they have on you is that you may carry
information such as how to build a nuke or grow a biological agent, and
if you encrypt the entire thing they're going to confiscate it and
either break the encryption or detain you indefinitely until you cough
up the key.

Keep in mind: you're dealing with the same guys who sent visa renewals
to the terrorists who flew planes in the WTC six months after the entire
world knew they were dead. They won't find more nuke blueprints in your
laptop than they found WMDs in Iraq, but they sure can get annoying

Michel Py wrote:
An iPod is a lot more suspicious, IMHO.

Joe Abley wrote:

And it did not even have one of these Sony batteries that spontaneously
explode :-D
Why build your own bomb to take on the airplane when Apple and Dell
manufacture perfectly good ones, me wonders.


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