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Re: Call for action vs. lost opportunity (Was: Re: Renumbering)

2007-10-10 06:49:56
Dave Crocker <dhc2(_at_)dcrocker(_dot_)net> writes:

    4.  The v6 stack would need to have a v4 mode, for use by v4
applications -- applications that use v4 addresses.

Um, sounds an awful lot like dual-stack to me. Hosts (that understand
IPv6) also must be able to originate and receive either IPv4 packets
or the bigger IPv6 ones. Sure, the details may be somewhat different,
but fundamentally, we have dual stack, with IPv6 nodes needing to
support IPv4 for backwards compatability.

And in the network, routers have to understand both the original IPv4
format, plus the new IPv6 format.

If there was a magic "trivial" transition/upgrade strategy, we would
have done it years ago.



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