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Re: I-D Action:draft-carpenter-rfc2026-changes-02.txt

2008-01-18 03:22:23
Brian E Carpenter wrote:

the question is whether people are interested enough to comment...

...and maybe also how interested the author is to answer comments:

[RFC 3700]
You still propose to kill STD 1 claiming that everybody is online
today.  What with CDs containing all RFCs, or similar collections
for offline use ?

[standards action]
Removing the right to initiate a "standards actions" from the
community is a bad idea.  That's not "aligning with reality", I
tested it, it works like a charme, the RFC in question meanwhile
got its number.

[Draft Standard]
"Deployable Standard" for DS is nice.  

Does "persons appointed to IETF roles" include document editors
and expert reviewers ?  I think Chairs can act as buffer between
angry folks and editors, and so hope it does NOT include editors.

Have you integrated your conflict draft into this draft ?  It could
be better to keep them apart.  While you are at it you could adopt
John's proposal to replace "two months" by "six weeks" for appeals.


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