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Re: Last Call: draft-ietf-imapext-sort (INTERNET MESSAGE ACCESS PROTOCOL - SORT AND THREAD EXTENSIONS) to Proposed Standard

2008-02-27 21:25:48
On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 11:58 -0800, Dan Karp wrote:
The proposed changes in the comments below create significiant 
incompatibilities with multiple interoperable client and server 
implementations that have been in production use and widely
distributed worldwide for several years.

The result of making any of these changes would be instability and 
inconsistency between implementations, creating an environment in
which nobody can use these extensions because there is no reliable

If there's a problem with the draft -- for instance, that the FROM sort
is useless from a client standpoint or that the CC sort will never be
used by a real-world client -- then it should be fixed before reaching
RFC status.  If the resulting RFC is not protocol- or algorithm-
equivalent to revision 19 of the SORT draft, then this would not be the
first time that an extension's CAPABILITY string would have to change at
the time of publication.

I don't see a point in breaking a lot of client and server
implementations that implement the draft in its current form. The draft
has stayed almost the same for at least 5 years (I implemented it then
the first time).

I don't think that "But that doesn't match the behavior of a previous
version of the draft" is a useful argument at Last Call time.

I think these changes should have been discussed long before reaching
last call. The draft is over 10 years old already!

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