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Re: The internet architecture

2008-12-17 11:58:46
Ken Raeburn wrote:
On Dec 17, 2008, at 11:01, Keith Moore wrote:
One could possibly extend getaddrinfo() or make something a bit similar.
getaddrinfo() is perhaps already becoming too complex though. A neat
thing with extending getaddrinfo() could be to make existing code use
SRV without changes. Not exactly sure if that is good or not...

It's not.  And I've heard rumors that some implementations of
getaddrinfo() already do this - which is a good reason to not use it
at all.

Well, if you want portable code with consistent behavior, you can't use
getaddrinfo with both host and service names specified, and you still
have to do the SRV queries some other way.  But it may still be the most
portable way to do thread-safe IPv4+IPv6 address resolution.

Mumble. I have also seen a getaddrinfo() implementation that would fail
if you passed it a literal port number, if that port wasn't listed in
/etc/services.  I kept wondering if they were trying to look up the
service name so they could do an SRV query on that.

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