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RE: Last Call: draft-ietf-sasl-scram

2009-09-22 06:09:50
John C Klensin wrote:

The difference between (1) and (2) is less significant in practice
because, while there are many important exceptions (with those East
Asian width variants probably heading the list), the vast majority
of compatibility characters are very hard to type in most
environments. And that was really the point I was trying to make.

Adding one data point here: While I have no idea how to type East
Asian width variants on my keyboard (normal Finnish/Swedish layout),
my keyboard does have three characters where NFC!=NFKC (so using any
of them in my password would be impossible if some SCRAM implementations 
use NFKC and some NFC):

Vulgar Fraction One Half (U+00BD)
Acute Accent (U+00B4)
Diaeresis (U+00A8)

Looking, it seems the
Finnish/Swedish layout is not special in any way, and many other
European keyboards would also have some small number of characters 
where NFC!=NFKC.

Best regards,
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