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Re: [hybi] Last Call: <draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-10.txt> (The WebSocket protocol) to Proposed Standard

2011-07-12 10:12:38
2011/7/12 Mykyta Yevstifeyev <evnikita2(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>:
         Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: bar; baz=2

   is exactly equivalent to

         Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: foo, bar; baz=2

These two examples don't match the aforementioned ABNF; the space before
"baz=2" should be removed.

Hi, are you sure of that? In SIP protocol (which inherits from HTTP
grammar) a header parameter (;foo=lalala) can contain spaces anywhere
(before/after the ";", before/after the "="). So something like:

   Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: foo  , bar  ; baz = 2

is valid.

However it's not clear for me wheter in this example "baz=2" is a
header param or a param just for the value "bar". In the last case it
would mean a specific header syntax, so spaces could be not allowed.
Could you please point to the ABNF grammar you meant?


Iñaki Baz Castillo
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