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RE: draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-to-historic (yet again)

2011-07-25 22:26:08

Brian E Carpenter wrote:
To be clear, I'd like to see exact proposed text before
expressing support for the proposal. The trick is to get
6to4 disabled by default at the user end, without disabling
it for users who are getting good service from it.

Although I commend Ron from trying "something else", I think this
particular approach is doomed to fail. Maybe I'm reading the list wrong,
but I think the sticky point here is the "historic" thing, and nothing
short of removing that part will significantly change the mindset of
people who oppose it.

Have you considered a newer revision of the 6-to-4 RFCs that would
obsolete the current ones and add that 6-to-4 should be disabled by
default? That could reach consensus.


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