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A modest proposal for Friday meeting schedule

2011-07-31 10:40:21
First I'd like to thank the organizers for IETF-81 for another well-run 
meeting.  The logistics and coordination for such an event must be daunting, 
and I know we (the attendees) tend to focus on the negatives rather than the 
positives... but we really are thankful for all the time and effort put into 
it.  Thank you!

I would also like to propose a small change for future meetings.  On Friday, 
instead of having a 2.5 hour WG meeting, followed by a 1.5 hour lunch break, 
followed by 2 hours of WG meetings... perhaps we could just have 4.5 hours of 
WG meetings straight and also start a bit earlier?  

Something like this:
8:30-11:00 Session I
11:15-12:15 Session II
12:30-13:30 Session III

That way the people who need to get to an airport get more time, or fewer of 
them have to miss WG meetings, etc.  And it would help reduce costs for 
attendees if they can avoid staying Friday night at the hotel.  And lunch at 
13:30 doesn't seem unreasonable (to me).

I apologize if this has been brought up before.  I tried to find it from an old 
email thread for the "Experiment" at IETF-73 which added the Friday afternoon 
sessions, but did not see this proposal being suggested.


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