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Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC Review of draft-ietf-pwe3-static-pw-status-10

2012-04-30 13:32:41

On Apr 30, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Stewart Bryant wrote:

Hi Ben

Thank you for your review.

The IANA policy is stated as IETF Review (end of first para in IANA)

Okay, I guess I just missed it.

The normative text is deliberate - this was part of the change that we needed 
to make.

Then as a reviewer, I think the proposed text is a bit confusing, as a 
paragraph describing how one element operates seems to make a normative 
requirement on the behavior of a different element. It would be better to make 
that assertion in the description of behavior for that other element. This is 
not a big deal, and certainly not a show stopper if people are attached to the 
current approach. It's just a personal opinion.

(Sorry, I'd offer more specifics, but am not in a position to pull up the text 
at the moment, so I'm responding from memory. I will look again when I get the 



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