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Re: In Memoriam IETF web page

2012-10-21 11:37:07
I am very supportive of this idea.


On Oct 21, 2012, at 12:31 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:


A thread on the nanog list, about abha ahuja, reminds me of a suggestion I 
made casually to a few folk after the last IETF meeting:

    We should consider having a persistent IETF page in memory of people who 
were part of our community.

While the idea is simple, the comments I got back make clear that it needs to 
be pursued carefully.  That requires some formality.

There are two different lines of consideration. These are offered as a 
starting point for discussion:

1.   Who should be listed?

    A number of different models make sense, but the challenge is something 
that is workable. For example, it does not seem like the sort of thing that 
would be appropriate for a consensus call to the community, for each entry.  
I think that means the rules should be entirely mechanical.

    Conceptually, the goal should be to include anyone who was "part of the 
IETF community".  I'll suggest that any of these would qualify:

    a. Held a formal position in the IETF (AD, WG Chair, IAOC/Trust,
       IAB, IRTF, Nomcom, ...are there others?)

    b. Held a position on an IETF committee (directorate,
       advisory, ...)

    c. Held a position on IETF staff (IAD, RFC Editor and, I think,
       this should include on-going contractors, including AMS and RFC
       document editors.

    d. RFC author

2.   What should be the form of the page?

    I suggest we keep it extremely simple:  an alphabetic listing by name, 
with a photo, if available, and a pointer to a page if they have one.  In 
some cases, the IETF might formulate its own page for a person, but that's 
distinct from this basic listing.



Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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