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Re: Internet Draft Final Submission Cut-Off Today

2013-02-26 14:29:05
joel jaeggli wrote:
Michael Tuexen wrote:
Dale R. Worley wrote:

From: James Polk <jmpolk(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com>

Personally, I'd trust "date -u" much sooner than any random person.
Even better:

    $ date --date='00:00 Feb 26, 2013 UTC'
    Mon Feb 25 19:00:00 EST 2013
Requires a Unix like system...
Finding the current time in UTC could reasonably  be left as an exercise 
for the reader...

I have a recurring remote participation problem with the
IETF Meeting Agendas, because it specifies the time of WG meeting slots
in local time (local to the IETF Meeting), but does not give the
local time zone *anywhere*.

I would appreciate if the local time zone indication would be added
like somewhere at the top of the page, to each IETF meeting agenda.
