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Opus experiment via WebRTC at today's plenary

2013-07-29 07:11:50
Dear all,

in view of today's plenary, we set up a short tutorial page on the WebRTC 
interface you can use to interact with the room if you are remote. You can find 
this stuff at the following URL:

Hope this helps,


                                                              ( O-O )
                                                Simon Pietro Romano
                                         Universita' di Napoli Federico II
                                     Computer Engineering Department 
                     Phone: +39 081 7683823 -- Fax: +39 081 7683816
                                           e-mail: spromano(_at_)unina(_dot_)it

                    <<Molti mi dicono che lo scoraggiamento Ë l'alibi degli 
                    idioti. Ci rifletto un istante; e mi scoraggio>>. Magritte.
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(   )~~~ Oooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                                         \ (            (   )
                                                          \_)          ) /

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  • Opus experiment via WebRTC at today's plenary, Simon Pietro Romano <=