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Re: Conclusions of Last Call for draft-ietf-spfbis-4408bis

2013-09-10 06:41:10
Hi Patrik,

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 4:04 AM, Patrik Fältström <paf(_at_)frobbit(_dot_)se> 

What we did look at was first of all every query for an MX resource
record. Then we look at +/-1 second from the timestamp of that MX query for
TXT and/or SPF record for the same owner. We draw the conclusion that if
there is a query for an MX record, and then either TXT or SPF (or both)
within the approximately same timespan, then they are related queries.

I'm not sure that's a valid conclusion.  Since MX is needed only for a
sending system, a receiving system doing an SPF check of either type has no
reason to query for MX.  The exception to this might be a heuristic check
to see if the domain in the MAIL FROM has MX or A published such that a
reply appears to be possible, but I wouldn't expect a strong correlation in
your data.